There Is No You

What made the Buddha laugh was seeing that the thing that had ruled his life, that he first tried to escape and then tried to Enlighten, never existed in the first place! His "self"

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Get Real!

If you were trying to lose weight, would you sign up for a program where 95% of the members were obese and had been involved for years and years? Every week go to a talk by the person running the program, skinny and in shape, talking about the joys of being thin?

Then why keep going back to the same satsangs and watching the same videos and reading the same books of the same teachers and the same gurus year after year? Ever notice how the same people keep going back over and over? "See ya next year, "Schmooji!"

Are the pretty words that the gurus use to make you feel good really working?

I used to watch videos on Youtube over and over and over, waiting anxiously for something new from my latest favorite teacher. I knew for sure that the next one would do the trick! I'm close, I'm almost there...the next word will do it!

Or I'd read "I Am That" until it was dog-eared and turning brown. One more flip of the page! I know I've read this 5 times before, but this time! This time!

Einstein said that the definition of insanity is trying the same thing again and again and expecting different results.

So what do I suggest? Read my posts over and over! ;^)

But seriously folks...if you just look and see if this thing that you're trying to enlighten or bliss out or improve really exists...if there is such a thing as a "you"...a "self"...Then maybe, just maybe, you can get off of the rollercoaster.

Rollercoasters are fun, but after the 10th or 11th time around you start to get kind of nauseous, don't you?

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1 comment:

  1. Great posts, Dan. Now get back in the Arena. You don't represent RT and RT doesn't represent you. Just liberate people.
