There Is No You

What made the Buddha laugh was seeing that the thing that had ruled his life, that he first tried to escape and then tried to Enlighten, never existed in the first place! His "self"

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Controlling Thoughts...I Don't Think So!

Trying to control, shape, steer, or manipulate thoughts is the most futile exercise you can engage in. If it was possible then it's obvious, isn't it....Just don't think negative thoughts! Don't let them come up in the first place if you are in control.

I love to kayak and go out whenever the weather's nice. While I'm paddling the thoughts are coming a mile a minute...back and forth...up and down...left and right. It used to bug the hell out of me. But once you see that they're totally out of your control...and that in certain situations - in my case drinking too much coffee or doing anything athletic - they seem to be on high volume, then they're just noise. No more, no less important than the sound of the paddle hitting the water.

Problem is that if there's a belief that they're "my" thoughts and about "me" then all attention and energy is going to go towards them. If it's seen (and it's pretty damn obvious) that they're not mine (I don't control or own them) and they're not about me, then they're just jibber jabber.

Try this exercise: What's the next thought you're going to think?

Put that one in your pipe and smoke it!

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